Ronald Cumbal
Ronald Cumbal is a PhD student at the division of Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. His work explores adaptive conversational robots that support learning processes while building rapport in long-term (multi-party) interactions with multicultural users.
Hannah Pelikan
Hannah Pelikan is a PhD candidate in the division for Language, Culture and Interaction at Linköping University, Sweden. She studies how humans make sense of robot behaviour from an ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EMCA) stance, with a particular interest in robot sound. Combining EMCA with interaction design, she also develops methods for designing human-robot interaction that embrace the situated and sequential nature of human interaction.
Agnes Axelsson
Agnes Axelsson is a last-year PhD student at the division of Speech, Music and Hearing at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. She studies how feedback from audiences should affect presenting robots, what the audience's perception of presenting robots is and should be, and what role presenting robots can play in automated public transit.
Divesh Lala is a researcher at Kyoto University specializing in human-robot interaction. His main research interests are spoken dialogue systems for conversational robots, in particular non-lexical phenomena such as robot turn-taking and laughter. He has worked with android robots including ERICA.
Merle Reimann
Merle Reimann is a PhD student in the Social AI group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), the Netherlands. Her work explores dialogue management for spoken human-robot interaction. She is particularly interested in the robot’s communication of its conversational capabilities during the interaction.
Felix Gervits
Dr. Felix Gervits is a Computer Scientist with the Army Research Laboratory. He is primarily interested in natural language interaction with embodied agents. Recent work has explored how robots can learn novel concepts about the physical world through situated dialogue with humans.
Olov Engwall
Olov Engwall is Professor in Speech Communication at KTH. He has been active as principal investigator or Co-PI in several projects on using social robots in educational settings, focusing primarily on how robots can be made to be socially-, contextually and culturally-aware.